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Attention All Poultry Organizations,


This is a long email, but I complied all the information I could into one place for everyone to have and share… Recently highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) cases have been confirmed in commercial turkeys, commercial broilers, and a backyard flock of mixed species. Texas Animal Health Commission put out an Animal Health Alert encouraging poultry and fowl owners to strengthen biosecurity measures to protect against highly pathogenic avian influenza. HPAI is a threat to the operations of all exhibitions, shows, sales (flea markets, auction markets), swaps, and meets pertaining to poultry and feathered fowl.


Please read and distribute this email to ALL your poultry exhibitors and backyard growers that you know so they are better informed about:

  • What's avian influenza (AI)

  • Signs & symptoms in birds

  • Transmission to flocks

  • Prevention of AI in flocks



Texas Animal Health Commission discusses disease information and biosecurity measures here too:


  • Video over biosecurity about keeping your backyard chickens safe which these same biosecurity techniques apply to exhibitor poultry species 



More in depth video over biosecurity by Penn State Extension:



Recent article released from AgriLife Today:


USDA Press Releases:
Indiana HPAI 2/9/22

Kentucky & Virginia HPAI 2/14/22


Follow our Texas A&M Poultry AgriLife Extension unit on Facebook and Instagram for continued updates:


➡️ Instagram: @tamu_agrilfie_posc_extension


Please spread the word to help better educate our poultry growers! We trully appreciate your help with this.


Thank you,

Stephanie Klein



Stephanie Klein | Extension Program Specialist I
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Kleberg 107A | College Station, TX 77843-2472
p: (979) 845-2349 | p: (979) 845-4318 |

**Please update my new email address in your contact information**

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